Ann O. Hamilton died at home on November 28, 2022, at the age of 85. A dedicated mother and Nana, Ann was known for her humor, advocacy, and friendship. Professionally, she had a distinguished career as an economist at the World Bank, the Peace Corps, the War on Poverty, and the Bureau of the Budget. She went on to earn her law degree and to become a neighborhood activist, including a key person in the long process of establishing the Rosedale Conservancy.
Ann was involved for many years with Friends of Rosedale, the neighborhood organization that worked with Youth for Understanding (“YFU”), the owner of Rosedale from 1977 to 2002. When YFU put Rosedale up for sale in 2001, Ann became a key leader in the effort to preserve and protect the Rosedale grounds. She worked tirelessly in the establishment of The Rosedale Conservancy, after the community succeeded in buying the grounds and was the Conservancy’s first Treasurer. In that post, she worked for many years, giving generously of her time, to set up a membership and accounting systems for the Conservancy. She will be deeply missed.
Click here to learn more about all of Ann’s accomplishments.